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Hi Laurie! I love all your messages with those great old valentines. Wishing lots of love!
Luv this, Laurie!
Thanks for hosting.
Happy Valentine's Day!
Laurie, this is the cutest post. I definitley think you brought everything needed to the party. I did a repeat. I hope this doesn't get me banned from the party. I have so many irons in the fire, I can't stop for 2 seconds. I'll do better next time. Love you and thanks for hosting such a fun party. Hugs, Marty
I can't believe it has been a whole year and here we are par-theying again! You throw some of the funniest parties for sure. I will also have a seat by Tom Selleck. thanks for inviting us!
Hi Laurie, What a CUTE Valentine's Day Party. It's perfect for all of us in the Sandwich Generation, too busy dealing with the issues of caring for elderly parents and babysitting grandchildren to be able to get out to many parties. But thanks to you and so many others, there are fun and sweet Valentine blog parties all over the internet and we are REALLY appreciating the fun! I've got this linked up with other fun site-seeing at Thank you :)
Hi Laurie and here I am at your party! Love all your olden cards and I see they've just about taken care of everything! OH, my goodness! Only two hunks? Well, I'll get in line for Brad! :)
Be a sweetie and thank you for hosting this fun party.
Shelia ;)
Hi Laurie! I love all of your valentines, and I especially like the one with Tom Selleck. Thank you so much for hosting!
Happy Valentine's Day!
Laurie, you nut. I giggled every time Brad popped up. BUT THEN... I noticed that you had my man Tom Selleck bringing you flowers.
You can keep the flowers, but Tom is MINE.
BTW, my daughter is horrified that I'm schlepping her first love story to a whole new party. LOL
So much fun- love the pics of Brad (as my kids call him Mr. Armpit!) More than that though, I am loving all of these great Valentines links!
Wow Laurie, I'm starstruck! But I'll take the cookies, too. I hope you and your family have a great Valentine's Day! Thanks for hosting us!
xo, Andrea
i brought a cherry cordial cake with chocolate fudge icing. Brad had a piece and said YUMMMMM...... :)
Love the party and so happy you brought along your boyfriend Brad.
What a fun post, Laurie. Worth coming here just to see the hunks and to read all the quotes, soooo cute!....Christine
This post is a big treat for all of us. Love all the vintage!
Great party and I LOVE the scenery! I want you to see that I did a whole new table just for you! Thanks for the motivation!
Laurie that is the cutest post ever!! What a fabulous collection of old Valentine cards!! Could you pass me a Brad....Ahem...I mean cookie please?....Honestly I'd rather have the Brad....counting calories don'tcha know....But since it's YOUR party I'll leave the Bradster all to YOU! *winks* Vanna
You almost lost me with that first guy, but then you won me back when you gave us a REAL man - Tom Selleck, swoooooon!
Your post is sooo wonderful - and not just the vintage valentines! Thanks so much for hosting! Great party! ~Susie
So very fun! Cracking up all the way through, you sure know how to throw a party! :) Thanks for hosting.
Great post...HAPPY VALENTINE to you:) Want to win some cash? Come by and enter my GIFT CARD GIVEAWAY…ends 2/13!
Hi Laurie,
You throw the best party and invite the best guests!
There all so cute!!
And I love the darling table you set up for your guests!
Thanks for being our darling hostess with the mostest!
Thanks for hosting this fab party! So glad Brad Pitt could make it too! Fun post!!! Love your vintage Valentines and terrific "words" that go along with them!
Happy Valentine's Day!
what fun.. now I want a cookie
Laurie your are always the life of the party!!
I've already got my hunk so I say pass the cookies please!
bee blessed
Hi Laurie...
Yeeehawww! It's finally time to get this party on the road! Thank you, sweet friend for hosting this fabulous Valentine party for us!'ll have to excuse me but I'm going to go look for Brad! I'll talk with you later, Darlin'!
Love ya,
My husband always teases me about liking Brad Pitt, so this post made me laugh! What a SWEET party Laurie. I can't wait to check out everyone's blog tonight.
Happy Valentine's Day to you and your hubby!
Thanks for the fun party Laurie! Brad's not a bad way to start the day:@)
Laurie, How fun!! It should be sinful to be THAT goodlookin'! is too early in the morning for all that goodlookin' stuff! I adore the vintage cards and those cookies...what? They are incredible! Love them! Hope you are doing well! Happy Valentine's to you! Christie at Three Pixie Lane
Fun party..thanks for throwing it for us. :))
xo bj
Hello Ms. Laurie!
Yeah the day is here! It's finally here! I was so excited that I decided to create two posts~ one on Decor To Adore and one on my French blog, Metis Linens.
It looks like the party is off to a swell start! I absolutely love who you invited just for us. I'll have a cupcake too! :)
I wanted to invite you to the two linky parties I am planning. The first will be on February 23~ High Tea Tablescapes. Details can be found on my Wednesday posts.
Hi Laurie,
Are you feeling the lurve yet?
We are all having such a grand time at your party, you are the hostess with the mostest.
(Having Brad drop in wasn't too shabby an idea also!)
What great cookies! I think I will party a while and then hang in your gorgeous kitchen and bake some cookies to take with me.
I am here all can have Brad Pitt... but have you got Kevin Bacon in a closet someplace? Just checkin'!!
What a great party! Thanks for hosting. I love your post ... I'll have a cookie and those roses from Tom ... and, I'll take Tom, too! That old hunk still makes my heart throb! Beautiful party ... such fun!
You really know how to party! Looks like everyone is here, but then who would pass up an opportunity to party with you and Brad? I brought my hearts. There are plenty for everyone! Thanks for hosting again. I've been looking forward to this party for weeks. You've got the best collection of valentine cards ever.
Happy Valentine's Day to you and the boss! ~ Sarah
Dear Laurie,
Thank you so much for inviting us to your party..It is always the best Valentine party to be at. And what a surprise it was to see Tom had come along and brought you flowers..gee, you sure are lucky!
Love all your Valentine's too!
Yours Sincerely,
You did good - what a cute post ! :D
I did not get anything ready to contribute. But I will be back to visit around and enjoy everyone's contributions.
Enjoy your weekend.
Brad Pitt and Tom Selleck! Be still my heart! I have to admit I always loved Tom the best :) I always go for dark haired guys with moustaches ...they look like my hubby!
I loved all your vintage Valentine cards...soem of which I rememebr so i guess that makes me
Happy Valentine's Day!
♥ Pat
Hi Laurie! You crack me up!! What a fun, fun party. Thanks so much for the refreshments, the decorations and the giggles!!!
Lots of love,
Susan and Bentley
What a great fun post...but where's Cary Grant? Thanks for hosting a fun party. Joni
Well you covered everything - lots of fun - Thanks for hosting!
Thank you, Laurie, for hosting such a wonderful party. Who wouldn't want to attend, especially since all of the "very best people" are there! Annie
Greetings! I was supposed to join this! I've had your button on my side-bar for a month, but I'm late, as usual. I still have two days before you close it, so there's still hope! ;)
P.S. Great "party" by the way!
Laurie, I just can't wait to see Brad, but while I am waiting for him to show, I will have to run around to the other fun posts!
What a cute post, all those cute little vintage girls bringing so much to the party. Loved it!
Happy Valentine's Day Laurie! Hope you have a wonderful weekend.
Best wishes and thanks for having me,
This is so adorable! Clearly you've got a crush on someone....
- The Tablescaper
Those flowers from Tom better be for me, cause I LUV him!
You can have that younger guy, I am no cradle robber!
Love you vintage Valentines, including Tom, my vintage! :)
Happy Valentine's Day, Laurie, and thanks for your fun post! :)
What a fun Linky! I don't have anything to contribute to the fun, but I sure am inspired by all the "Lovely" creativity here! -diane
Happy Valentine's Day!
Great party! Happy Valentine's Day!
Love those hunky Valentines, Laurie...and the vintage ones, too! Hope you have a wonderful Valentines Day!...hugs...Debbie
Hi Laurie! I finally got my link up, and geesh, it's only 2am!! LOL
Such a fun party ~ can't wait to visit everyone!
Love your collection of vintage Valentine cards....AND your collection of hunky guy (Brad) pics!! All I need now is a few of George Clooney! Sigh....
Big TX Hugs,
Angelic Accents
What fun!!! Happy Valentine's Day!
Hi Laurie,
I enjoyed your funny post so much. What a delightful collection of charming Cards you have. I wasn't prepared to make a Valentine's post at this day. I hope you will not mind that I share something else.
Thank you for hosting this wonderful event. I wish you and all the participants a HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY.
Greetings, Johanna
What a fun party! You are so funny. I'm bummed and SORRY I missed it. :(
I am off to visit some of the other hearts that joined in....
I hope you have a wonderful Valentine's Day!!!
Hi Laurie,
Thanks for hosting this fun party!
Love the valentines and the litte sayings. I am bringing cupcakes.
Thank you for hosting this fun Valentine's Party... my entry is of a Valentine's Day Heart that I purchased for Valentine's Day made by an amazing Artist, Binky La Faye. I can't eat chocolate so I never get the lovely Heart Boxes, but this repurposed one was SO lovely and no chocolates to waste! *winks*
Dawn... The Bohemian
Hi lovely lady. I love your Blog so mush fun for as all !!! Do you have one ever week sweet lady ?
Thanks so much for your lovely comments about my Valentine's Day Tablescapes . I hope you have a Great weekend sweet lady.
You have such amazing things to decorate with, Laurie! All these vintage Valentines are so precious and you've created such a fun party post! xo Sue
Hi Laurie, Thanks for stopping by and your sweet comment, I thought everything was vintage enough to count and thank you so much for hosting this party, you are a treasure, Happy Valentines Day, Marilou xoxo
Laurie -- you always have the most amazing collections for every holiday! I love the way you decorate with sich wild abandon. We all just love to visit you at the Holiday House!
I'm thinking you like Brad Pitt.
Love your cheery vintage valentines. Thank you for hosting the Party. I think I'll be here awhile; there are just so many talented bloggers with such great ideas to share.
Very fun post, cool party !
Oh my goodness what an adorable post!! It was so much fun reading it! Thanks.
Very cute and funny little captions! Thanks for hosting. I linked up my vintage inspired heart tutorial.
Hi Laurie!
I'm away from home but have tried & tried to post my Valentine's Day blog post to your darling luck! There must be blocks on the wii-fi places I'm on. Bummer!
Just wanted you to know I was hoping to join you & I tried.
LOVE your pictures!!!!
I hope to be back blogging normally when we return. I'm having withdrawal!!!!!!!!!!!
I was really late to the party. I was trying to get it linked up and Sweet Old Bob was wanting to go to bed. When he started snoring I got up. Have you ever done that?
Wanted to thank you for hosting the party. You are so sweet to do so. I don't see how you do such beautiful decor and work also. You have so many beautiful holiday things. I always look forward to seeing what you are going to do next. Love the captions. I need to learn how to do that. Are the valentines your collection or do you find the images online?
Keep it up. Hugs, Ginger
I'm back. Just in case you've been wondering where I've been. And since I did a Valentine's Day post, I guess I'm going to have to link up. Anyway, I've been on a little break since my knee surgery and just lazy about getting back to blogging. Your old cards are just precious.
Oops. Guess it's too late to link up. That's what I get for being late to the party. Happy Valentine's Day.
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