I'm participating in two events today, and they are each sponsored by a blogger named Susan! I guess all bloggers named Susan know how to have fun!

Outdoor Wednesday is sponsored by Susan at A Southern Daydreamer, and Target Birds on Holiday is sponsored by Susan at Between Naps on the Porch.

Outdoor Wednesday is sponsored by Susan at A Southern Daydreamer, and Target Birds on Holiday is sponsored by Susan at Between Naps on the Porch.

Be sure to go by Susan's at Between Naps on the Porch to link up to all of the other fun that salt and pepper shaker birds are having in Blogville.
For Outdoor Wednesday, I am sharing our Easter egg hunt.

Thank you Susan and Susan for hosting these special events in Blogville.
As Fred and Ethel said, thank you so much for your visit. laurie
Laurie this post is a hoot!! I enjoyed it so much!
Awww Laurie,
How sweet is this post!
I sat on the edge of my seat reading the cuteness.
That's clever how you made the cartoon looking things.
I just think Fred and Ethel are beautiful.
They sure are a happy couple too.
How neat that we both thought of the same message.
Just like the canisters huh? :)
Have a good week.
~Melissa :)
This was too funny girl..again as always you did a great story..hugs nad smiles dear friend...Gl♥ria
You didn't need any Target birdies, your's are just the cutest! I loved the story and I loved seeing more of your beautiful things! That tile over your stove is fabulous! Cindy
Laurie, What a cute and clever story! I think you could write children's books!
The flowers are so pretty in the picture, and loved the tile blacksplash too.
Those birdies didn't need to go on a vacation when they had that beautiful view of the pool out that window to enjoy! Is that a waterfall going into the pool? Looks awesome!
Have a nice week! TTYL, Sherri
Hey Girlfriend...
Ohhh my...what a hoot! Girl, I just love your little Fred and Ethel birds...they're so pretty! I sure did love hearing there little holiday tales...or should I say tails? hehe! And all of the photos! I sure can say...I would be perfectly happy to stay home at your place...that would be vacation enough for me...so I think your little birds are pretty wise!!! Darling!!!
Thanks for sharing Fred and Ethel with us...and putting a laugh in my heart and a smile on my face! Soooo adorable!!!
Love ya Sweetie,
That was a great post and I am sure it was a lot of work too.
Have a Wonderful Wednesday
from Roberta Anne--The Raggedy Girl
I think I like you blog best for those "target birds" how fun ! You
did a great job ! Hugs ~ Kammy
Loved your little blue bird story and what a great moral. Home is the best no matter where it is...but it takes a visit around to see that.
Happy Wed, Candy
Oh Laurie,what fun.don't feel bad i just got my birds.you know that.your birdies are just as cute if not cuter.
your birds are fred and ethel.mine are fred and sally.they are named after the ghosts that "still"shares our house.
when the kids were small,of course doors were always left open,food left out,things broken.but...........NOBODY......DID IT.
you know where i'm going now right?so we decided it must be a ghost in the house.but this ghost got into sooo much trouble,there must be two of them.therefore fred and sally were born.
strangely enough...things still get broken and alot of things just disappear.and our door bell rings alot and noone's there.so they're still here.
laurie---the door bell just rang,see???????????
oh laurie,i loved this post!,so fun love you sweet little birds,just put them by the window so they can enjoy the beautiful view...greattt post!!!!
Laurie--I see your name, but this is my first visit!! So glad I came. I love the "bubbles" with Fred aand Ethel's converstation And of course, you know, with my blog's name I agree-- "there's no place like home!". Thanks for a fun post!
I want to see more of that tile backsplash your birds were sitting in front of. It looks outstanding.
Shh! Don't tell, but your birds are prettier!
Laurie, this is such a cute post! Love the egg hunt too.
Happy Outdoor Wednesday.
Love seeing the little ones hunting Easter eggs... aaaah the good ol' days!
Laurie, I am LOL...that was the cutest post. I agree with Sherri, you could write books.
If I was Fred and Ethel, I would say right there in your beautiful home!!
I loved your birdies even though they weren't Target birdies (I'm really not a birdie snob). And it looks like the kids had a great time with the Easter egg hunt. Who doesn't like to hunt for Easter eggs?
Well, I loved Fred and Ethel flying the coup today..so many things to investigate at your home..well, you know how I love birds, so I thoroughly enjoyed their adventure..but like most of us,they learned, home is the best spot to land. And yours is one of the best...
Thanks for your great birdie narrative..very fun! Susie
Read The Guernsey and Potato Peel Pie Society for a great read!
Thanks for the link to your kitchen post. I love the story about the mahogany top for your island.
Good job telling Fred and Ethel's story! LOL!
LOVED your little bird adventure...and they are just as cute if not cuter than the Target birds! I laughed out loud at the picture of them looking outside. TOO CUTE!
My birds decided that home was best also! I love how you made the balloons - you are so clever! Your egg hunt pictures are so sweet! :D Jewel
Happy Outdoor Wednesday Laurie.. Sorry I haven't been around as much lately..... I haven't felt good. Thanks for sharing your photos.~ Susan
Why, Laurie dear...I do believe Fred and Ethel are cute cousins of the Target family..in fact...shhhhh.....I am thinking THEY may be the GOOD LOOKIN' SIDE!!
hee heee/
Loved it all !!
hey laurie, funny post, I sat here with a coffee this morning and chuckled my way through
So cute! Love all the pics!
Laurie, those little birdies are just the cutest little guys ever. I think Fred and Ethel are just priceless. I cracked up at their whining about have to count the ladybugs. Doesn't that just sound like us looking at all the same things we've had forever. Great story. Your Easter egg hunt looked like such a great time also. What a fun day. Hugs, Marty
Too cute...the birds and the kids! thanks for the smiles!
Happy Thursday!
* Laurie-girl, I think we have a WHOLE LOTTA BUDDING WRITERS around blogland!!! ~~~ This is/was SOOO CUTE!!! I truly enjoyed it all! MANNNY THANKS,my friend!!! XO Linda *
I think I've told you this before but you seriously have missed your calling ~ you need to be published. This was great!
Interesting that you mentioned driving/danger and roundabouts .. today I drove the road where the new art piece is located, traffic was heavy as it was late afternoon ... I wanted to get another good look (without trying to snap a photo) at the art and quickly realized I couldn't without risking life and limb. I hope the gawkers don't get hurt.
That is just an all around too cute post!!
Thanks for the smiles, and 'subtle' message about being happy where we are.
Barbara Jean
okay Miss Laurie... If I had one... i'd give you the "goofball of the week award"... ;) you are soooooooooooo funny! LOL
love the new header too girl..
have a blessed rest of the week!
hugs. Dixie
This was a fun post....I don't have any target birds either, but I have a couple of birds that are cuties! Loved this post.
Great post Laurie. This is really cute. And so many pretty birds! The Easter egg hunt looked like it was a big hit, I just love seeing all the little ones in their Easter clothes. Kathy
Hi Laurie
I love this post! You have a great sense of humor. Also I wanted to tell you how much I appreciate all your comments on my blog. You are so consistent at it.
Hope you have a lovely day today.
Hugs, Rhondi
laurie,i'm so sorry i made you and chari cry.you too are just so soft,like me.and you love me.aw----------i'll write happier next time.i'm sorry.i love you...ann
You are too funny Laurie!! LOL Fred and Ethel are really cute :)
It looks like a wonderful Easter Egg hunt!
Oh my gosh Laurie, I am laughing so hard at the adventures of Fred and Ethel. They were very wise little birds to decide to stay with the ladybugs. It's a cruel world outside as yesterday one of our little bird feeder wrens flew into a window ...oh no...you can guess what happened? I cried. Can you believe that?? I cried over that silly little bird.
Thanks for telling me what that "chafing" dish bottom really was. Get yours out and use it. I would love to see it in it's original state....and you don't need to polish it. Well...maybe a little bit but leave the darkness in the crevices. That's what I did with the one on my post. Have a great day Laurie. ~ Lynn
oh how i LOVE visiting you! you crack me up! and i LOVE your prom dress curtain too! Thank you SOOOO much for sharing!! Have a FANTASTIC day! :)
I didn't have Target Birds either although I too own a lovely set of bird S & P shakers. Your idea is original and adorable!
haha! I really enjoyed this post! Thanks!
I think Fred & Ethel have it figured out - 'bloom where you are planted'!! Clever post. Sally
What a cute and fun post! And your grandkids look like they had a ball egg hunting! Laurie, I just wanted to answer your questions. I did not climb a ladder but I got up on a chair and almost fell when the bird suddenly flew right in front of my face and startled me. LOL! I guess she was sitting on the eggs. The antique store is not going out of business, just moving to another location, about 2 blocks away from the old location. Thanks for coming by. And the water fall climbing...I was stiff and sore all over but had a massage in the ship spa the following day...Christine
Laurie, Your bird post is just too cute! Hilarious! :)
Looks like you guys had a wonderful egg hunt! ~hugs, Rhonda :)
HAHAHAH love it! too cute ;)
This is awesome Laurie! You're so clever! (Shhh, I like your little birds much better than the white ones!) ☺
Laurie! I just loved it! Those are some lucky birds to get to go around to all the lovely dishes and back to the wonderful lady bug plate! I do love blue and lady bugs too! The children are so sweet hunting the eggs!
Hey Laurie... This made me smile ear to ear... Thanks I needed that... I feel so much better now ☺ Loved the Easter Egg Hunt too... they are so darn adorable... Love YA
Hi Laurie! How much fun! I love your birdies! And your egg hunt looks like so much fun! Your header makes me think of you...surrounded by a whole passel of grandkids! Have a great weekend...hugs...Debbie
Sorry about that! The recipe is here:
LOL...that was a riot! I'm not sure you have enough birdies in your house, though! What fun touring all your beautiful birds! Fred and Ethel were soooo cute...there really is no place like home! Thanks for a great post! Love seeing your egg hunt...what fun! I miss my little boy and egg hunts...I need grandchildren!!! :-) Susan
What a cute birdie post. That had to be a lot of work. You did a great job. "There is no place like home".
Love the Easter egg hunt. The kids are so.. cute!!
Hugs, Terrie
Ok, Laurie, how did I miss this post? You are so fun with your "conversations". Love it!!!
You are too funny...I am birdless too, and too old to adopt..so I will enjoy all the other bird posts..
You have a beautiful family!
Hey Laurie, who needs Target birds when you have Ethel & Fred!! They are so cute, and very funny!! They sure were entertaining.
Your egg hunt pictures are just precious!
I don't have the Target birds either, but yours are just as fun! Looks like they had a blast out there.
The Easter egg hunt looks like a huge success!
I LOL at the birds--I too am not fortunate enough to own Target birds....but I think yours have a personality all their own ;-)
Loved the egg hunt pics, too☺
Oh honey, your birdies are soooomuch cuties and prettier than those Target birds. I'd chose yours anyday.
Looks like a nice fun day. I grew up with all boy cousins so guess what we did with the eggs as soon as all the adults went back into the house. We threw them at each other and I was probably one of the biggest ducks in the puddle doing it.
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